Source code for panoptic_parts.utils.format

"""Utilities handling ground truth serialization format.

Utility functions for reading and writing to our compact panoptic-parts format (see README).
Tensorflow and Pytorch are optional and don't need to be installed to use this modules functions.

from enum import Enum
import functools
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

  import tensorflow as tf # pylint: disable=import-error
except ModuleNotFoundError:

  import torch # pylint: disable=import-error
except ModuleNotFoundError:

from panoptic_parts.specs.dataset_spec import DatasetSpec
from panoptic_parts.utils.utils import (
    _sparse_ids_mapping_to_dense_ids_mapping as ndarray_from_dict,

# Functions that start with underscore (_) should be considered as internal.
# Functions included in PUBLIC_API belong to the public API.
# Arguments and functions defined with the preffix experimental_ may be changed
# and are not backward-compatible.

# PUBLIC_API = [decode_uids, encode_ids]

class Frameworks(Enum):
  PYTHON = "python"
  NUMPY = "numpy"
  TENSORFLOW = "tensorflow"
  TORCH = "torch"

def _validate_uids_values_numpy_python(uids):
  assert isinstance(uids, (int, np.int32, np.ndarray))
  # uids = np.asanyarray(uids, dtype=np.int32)
  if np.any(uids > 99_999_99):
    raise ValueError('Some uids exceed the 99_999_99 encoding limit.')
  if np.any(uids < 0):
    raise ValueError('Some uids are negative.')
  if np.any(np.logical_and(uids >=100, uids <= 999)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Some uids have length of 3 digits that is not allowed by the encoding format.')

def _decode_uids_functors_and_checking(uids, experimental_noinfo_id):
  # this functions makes the decode_uids more clear by doing all checks here
  # required frameworks: Python and NumPy
  # TODO(panos): split this function into 2
  if not isinstance(experimental_noinfo_id, int):
    raise TypeError('experimental_noinfo_id should be a Python int.')

  if isinstance(uids, np.ndarray):
    if uids.dtype != np.int32:
      raise TypeError(f'{uids.dtype} is an unsupported dtype of np.ndarray uids.')
    where = np.where
    ones_like = np.ones_like
    divmod_ = np.divmod
    maximum = np.maximum
    dtype = np.int32
    logical_and = np.logical_and
    return where, ones_like, divmod_, maximum, dtype, logical_and
  if isinstance(uids, (int, np.int32)):
    where = lambda cond, true_br, false_br: true_br if cond else false_br
    ones_like = lambda the_like: type(the_like)(1)
    divmod_ = divmod
    maximum = max
    dtype = (lambda x: x) if isinstance(uids, int) else np.int32
    logical_and = (lambda x, y: x and y) if isinstance(uids, int) else np.logical_and
    return where, ones_like, divmod_, maximum, dtype, logical_and

  # optional frameworks: Tensorflow and Pytorch
    if isinstance(uids, tf.Tensor):
      if uids.dtype != tf.int32:
        raise TypeError(f'{uids.dtype} is an unsupported dtype of tf.Tensor uids.')
      where = tf.where
      ones_like = tf.ones_like
      divmod_ = lambda x, y: (x // y, x % y)
      maximum = tf.maximum
      dtype = lambda x: x
      logical_and = tf.logical_and
      return where, ones_like, divmod_, maximum, dtype, logical_and
    if isinstance(uids, torch.Tensor):
      where = torch.where
      ones_like = torch.ones_like
      divmod_ = lambda x, y: (x // y, x % y)
      maximum = torch.max
      dtype = functools.partial(torch.tensor, dtype=torch.int32)
      logical_and = torch.logical_and
      return where, ones_like, divmod_, maximum, dtype, logical_and

  raise TypeError(f'{type(uids)} is an unsupported type of uids.')

[docs]def decode_uids(uids, # : Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, int, np.int32], *, return_sids_iids : bool = False, return_sids_pids : bool = False, experimental_noinfo_id : int = -1, experimental_dataset_spec : DatasetSpec = None, experimental_correct_range : bool = False): """Decode the compact panoptic-parts `uids` into consituent ids. Given the universal ids `uids` encoded according to the panoptic-parts format described in, this function returns element-wise the semantic ids (sids), instance ids (iids), and part ids (pids). Optionally it returns the sids_iids and sids_pids as well. sids_iids represent the semantic-instance-level (two-level) labeling, e.g., sids_iids from Cityscapes-Panoptic-Parts ≡ ids from Cityscapes-Original. sids_pids represent the semantic-part-level (semantics) labeling. Examples: - decode_uids(23, return_sid_pid=True) → (23, -1, -1, 23) - decode_uids(23003, return_sid_pid=True) → (23, 3, -1, 23) - decode_uids(2300304, return_sid_pid=True) → (23, 3, 4, 2304) - decode_uids(tf.constant([1, 12, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567])) → ([ 1, 12, 1, 12, 1, 12], [-1, -1, 234, 345, 234, 345], [-1, -1, -1, -1, 56, 67]) - decode_uids(np.array([[1, 12], [1234, 12345]])) → ([[ 1, 12], [ 1, 12]], [[ -1, -1], [234, 345]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]]) Each output has the same type and shape as `uids` (not shown for clarity). Args: uids: The panoptic-parts uids. Can be a tf.Tensor of dtype tf.int32 and arbitrary shape, or a np.ndarray of dtype np.int32 and arbitrary shape, or a torch.tensor of dtype torch.int32 and arbitrary shape, or a Python int, or a np.int32 integer, with elements encoded according to the panoptic-parts format. return_sids_iids: Optionally return sids_iids. return_sids_pids: Optionally return sids_pids. experimental_noinfo_id: The integer representing the "no info"/void value. experimental_dataset_spec: a DatasetSpec is used a) for removing the part-level instance information layer from the pids, this layer is not useful for Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation but is present in the encoded uids of some datasets (e.g. PPP), b) for ids range validity checking and correction according to that DatasetSpec (provide experimental_correct_range=True) for this functionality. experimental_correct_range: If a DatasetSpec is provided, the invalid ids according to that DatasetSpec, will be replaced with the experimental_noinfo_id value. Returns: There are 4 return signatures according to the given return_* keyword arguments. All return values have the same type and shape as `uids`, where non-relevant/void pixels have value -1. if return_sids_iids and return_sids_pids are False (default behavior): sids, iids, pids = decode_uids(uids) if return_sids_iids is True: sids, iids, pids, sids_iids = decode_uids(uids, return_sids_iids=True) if return_sids_pids is True: sids, iids, pids, sids_pids = decode_uids(uids, return_sids_pids=True) if return_sids_iids and return_sids_pids are both True: sids, iids, pids, sids_iids, sids_pids = decode_uids(uids, return_sids_iids=True, return_sids_pids=True) sids have no -1. iids have -1 for pixels labeled with semantic-level labels only. pids have -1 for pixels labeled with semantic-level or semantic-instance-level labels only. sids_iids: have no -1. sids_pids: have no -1. """ where, ones_like, divmod_, maximum, dtype, logical_and = _decode_uids_functors_and_checking( uids, experimental_noinfo_id) # this function uses dtype and np.asanyarray because: # dtype: numpy implicitly converts Python int literals in np.int64, we need np.int32 # np.asanyarray: numpy implicitly converts ndarray with one element to np.int32 (which is not # ndarray), moreover dtypes are implicitly converted to np.int64 for arithmetic operations # pad uids to uniform full format for easier handling: uids = 0 or uids in [1_000_00, 99_999_99], # this generates a fake iid (0) for uids <= 99, and noinfo pid (0) for uids <= 99_999, but these # case are handled later uids_padded = where(uids <= 99_999, where(uids <= 99, uids * dtype(10**5), uids * dtype(10**2)), uids) # split uids to components (sids, iids, pids) from right to left sids_iids, pids = divmod_(uids_padded, dtype(10**2)) sids, iids = divmod_(sids_iids, dtype(10**3)) # handle fake iids, pids introduced before for sids_iids, iids, pids sids_iids = where(uids <= 99_999, uids, sids_iids) noinfo_ids = ones_like(uids) * dtype(experimental_noinfo_id) iids = where(uids <= 99, noinfo_ids, iids) pids = where(logical_and(uids <= 99_999, pids == dtype(0)), noinfo_ids, pids) # pid=0 has no info # use experimental_dataset_spec to re-set any values that may reside outside of # valid ranges for sids, iids, sids_iids, this is used for sanity/validity # sids are set to 0 (unlabeled) if not in correct range # iids are set to -1 (no info) if sids not in the correct range # pids and sids_pids are re-set later after removing the part-level instance information layer if (experimental_correct_range == True and experimental_dataset_spec is not None): if not isinstance(uids, (np.ndarray, np.int32)): raise NotImplementedError( f'range correction is only supported for np.ndarray and np.int32 for now.') sids_allowed = list(experimental_dataset_spec.sid2scene_class) sids_ok = np.isin(sids, sids_allowed) # if not np.all(sids_ok): # print(f'Found {np.count_nonzero(np.invert(sids_ok))} pixels with invalid sids. The (old, new) tuples are:', # compare_pixelwise(sids, np.where(sids_ok, sids, dtype(0))), sep='\n') sids = np.where(sids_ok, sids, dtype(0)) iids = np.where(sids_ok, iids, noinfo_ids) sids_iids = np.where(sids_ok, sids_iids, dtype(0)) # A mapping of pids in order to remove the part-level instance information layer, # as Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation does not require this layer, # this only applies to PPP for now. if (experimental_dataset_spec is not None and hasattr(experimental_dataset_spec, '_sid_pid_file2sid_pid')): if not isinstance(uids, (np.ndarray, np.int32)): raise NotImplementedError( f'sid_pid from file mapping is only supported for np.ndarray and np.int32 for now. ' f'Given uids of type: {type(uids)}.') spf2sp = experimental_dataset_spec._sid_pid_file2sid_pid if 'sids_pids' not in locals(): # save some compute sids_pids = where(pids == noinfo_ids, sids, sids * dtype(10**2) + pids) spf2sp__dense = ndarray_from_dict(spf2sp, -10**6, length=10000) # -10**6 random number sids_pids = spf2sp__dense[sids_pids] assert not np.any(np.equal(sids_pids, -10**6)), ( 'Unhandled case: experimental_dataset_spec._sid_pid_file2sid_pid does not ' 'contain all pids in GT files. Raise an issue to maintainers.') # TODO(panos): only pids are mapped from now (this follows from the allowed mapping format in yaml) pids = where(sids_pids >= 1_00, sids_pids % 100, noinfo_ids) # use experimental_dataset_spec to re-set any values that may reside outside of # valid ranges for pids, sids_pids, this is used for sanity/validity # pids are set to -1 (no info) if pids of sids not in correct range # sids_pids are set to 0 (unlabeled) if sids not in correct range or corrected sids # if pids not in the correct range if (experimental_correct_range == True and experimental_dataset_spec is not None): sids_pids_allowed = list(experimental_dataset_spec.sid_pid2scene_class_part_class) sids_pids = where(np.logical_or(sids == dtype(0), pids == noinfo_ids), sids, sids * dtype(10**2) + pids) sids_pids_ok = np.isin(sids_pids, sids_pids_allowed) # if not np.all(sids_pids_ok): # print(f'Found {np.count_nonzero(np.invert(sids_pids_ok))} pixels with invalid sids. The (old, new) tuples are:', # compare_pixelwise(sids_pids, np.where(sids_pids_ok, sids_pids, sids)), sep='\n') sids_pids = np.where(sids_pids_ok, sids_pids, sids) pids = where(sids_pids >= 1_00, sids_pids % 100, noinfo_ids) if isinstance(uids, np.ndarray): sids = np.asanyarray(sids, dtype=np.int32) returns = (sids, iids, pids) if return_sids_iids: returns += (sids_iids,) if return_sids_pids: if 'sids_pids' not in locals(): # save some compute sids_pids = where(pids == noinfo_ids, sids, sids * dtype(10**2) + pids) if isinstance(uids, np.ndarray): sids_pids = np.asanyarray(sids_pids, dtype=np.int32) returns += (sids_pids,) return returns
def _validate_ids_values_numpy_python(sids, iids, pids): assert isinstance(sids, (int, np.int32, np.ndarray)) assert type(sids) is type(iids) and type(iids) is type(pids) sids, iids, pids = map(functools.partial(np.array, dtype=np.int32), [sids, iids, pids]) if np.any(sids > 99): raise ValueError('Some sids exceed the 99 encoding limit.') if np.any(iids > 999): raise ValueError('Some iids exceed the 999 encoding limit.') if np.any(pids > 99): raise ValueError('Some sids exceed the 99 encoding limit.') if np.any(sids < -1): raise ValueError('Some sids are negative.') if np.any(iids < -1): raise ValueError('Some iids are negative.') if np.any(pids < -1): raise ValueError('Some pids are negative.') def _encode_ids_functors_and_checking(sids, iids, pids): # this functions makes the endoce_ids more clear # required frameworks: Python and NumPy if type(sids) is not type(iids) and type(iids) is not type(pids): raise ValueError( f"All arguments must have the same type, given {(*map(type, (sids, iids, pids)),)}") if isinstance(sids, np.ndarray): if sids.dtype != np.int32: raise TypeError(f'{sids.dtype} is an unsupported dtype of np.ndarray ids.') where = np.where _validate_ids_values_numpy_python(sids, iids, pids) return where if isinstance(sids, (int, np.int32)): where = lambda cond, true_br, false_br: true_br if cond else false_br _validate_ids_values_numpy_python(sids, iids, pids) return where # optional frameworks: Tensorflow and Pytorch if TENSORFLOW_IMPORTED: if isinstance(sids, tf.Tensor): if sids.dtype != tf.int32: raise TypeError(f'{sids.dtype} is an unsupported dtype of tf.Tensor ids.') where = tf.where return where if TORCH_IMPORTED: if isinstance(sids, torch.Tensor): where = torch.where return where raise TypeError(f'{type(sids)} is an unsupported type of ids.')
[docs]def encode_ids(sids, iids, pids): """ Given semantic ids (sids), instance ids (iids), and part ids (pids) this function encodes them element-wise to uids according to the hierarchical format described in README. This function is the opposite of decode_uids, i.e., uids = encode_ids(decode_uids(uids)). Args: sids, iids, pids: all of the same type with -1 for non-relevant pixels with elements according to hierarchical format (see README). Can be: tf.Tensor of dtype tf.int32 and arbitrary shape, or np.ndarray of dtype np.int32 and arbitrary shape, or torch.tensor of dtype torch.int32 and arbitrary shape, or Python int, or np.int32 integer. Return: uids: same type and shape as the args according to hierarchical format (see README). """ # TODO!!!(panos): encode_ids(sid, -1, pid) ends with a sid_pid and not a uid, # is this behavior desirable? where = _encode_ids_functors_and_checking(sids, iids, pids) sids_iids = where(iids < 0, sids, sids * 10**3 + iids) uids = where(pids < 0, sids_iids, sids_iids * 10**2 + pids) return uids