Generate part-aware panoptic segmentation results

Here, we provide a guide for generating Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (PPS) results as in in our CVPR paper.

After publication we fixed a regression in the PartPQ metric (integrated in v2.x release of panoptic_parts package), which results in a slight increase of the PartPQ results. The correct results are provided in the CVPR 2021 Errata.

Prepare EvalSpec and dataset information

Before generating the Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (PPS) results, you have to specify the dataset you wish to do this for. This consists of two parts:

  1. Defining what category definition you wish to use, by using the EvalSpec.

  2. Defining which images your dataset contains, and what their properties are.


In the EvalSpec, we define the following properties

  • The classes that are to be evaluated, both on scene-level and part-level

  • The split between things and stuff categories, and parts and no-parts categories

  • The category definition and numbering that we expect for the predictions.

For the datasets that we define and use in our paper, we provide the EvalSpec that we use:

Using these EvalSpec definitions, we map the label definition for the raw ground-truth to the definition that we use for evaluation.

NOTE: This EvalSpec also determines how our merging code expects the predictions. If you do not use the merging code, we expect you to deliver the predictions directly in the 3-channel format, as explained here.

Examples for CPP default:

  • In eval_sid2_scene_label, we list the evaluation ids for the scene-level classes and their labels.

    • Following this, the prediction label for road is 7, car is 26, etc.

  • In eval_pid_flat2scene_part_class, we list the flat evaluation ids for part-level classes as we expect it in a part segmentation output:

    • Each part has a unique id (unless part grouping is used)

    • Following this, the prediction label for person-head is 2, rider-head is 6, etc.

You can adjust the EvalSpec according to your needs, so you can adjust the mappings and the label definition you use for evaluation.

Dataset information

To run the merging scripts, we need to know what images are in a given split of a dataset. Therefore, for each split (e.g., Cityscapes Panoptic Parts val), we create a json file called images.json.

This images.json follows the format also used in the panopticapi, and contains of:

  • A dictionary with the key 'images', for which the value is:

    • A list of dictionaries with image information. For each image, the dictionary contains:

      • file_name: the file name of the RGB image (NOT the ground-truth file).

      • image_id: a unique identifier for each image.

      • height and width: the pixel dimensions of the RGB image (and ground-truth file).

NOTE: the image_id defined here, should be unique, and should be used in the names of all prediction files, as explained later.

To generate the images.json file for Cityscapes, run the following script from the main panoptic_parts directory:

python -m panoptic_parts.evaluation.prepare_data \


  • $DATASET_DIR: path to the PPS ground-truths file for the data split (e.g. ‘~/Cityscapes/gtFinePanopticParts_trainval/gtFinePanopticParts/val’)

  • $OUTPUT_DIR: directory where the images.json file will be stored

  • $DATASET: dataset name (’Cityscapes’ or ‘Pascal’)

Get results for subtasks

To generate Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (PPS) predictions, we need to merge panoptic segmentation and part segmentation predictions. Here, we explain how to retrieve and format the predictions on these subtasks, before merging to PPS.

Panoptic segmentation

There are two options to get panoptic segmentation results:

  1. Merge semantic segmentation and instance segmentation predictions. See below how to format and merge these predictions.

  2. Do predictions with network that outputs panoptic segmentation results directly.

In the case of option 2, the output needs to be stored in the format as defined for the COCO dataset:

  1. A folder with PNG files storing the ids for all predicted segments.

  2. A single .json file storing the semantic information for all images.

For more details on the format, check here.

Example Cityscapes Panoptic Parts: for a baseline in our paper, we generate results for Cityscapes using the provided ResNet-50 model from the UPSNet repository.

Semantic segmentation

For semantic segmentation:

  • For each image, the semantic segmentation prediction should be stored as a single PNG

  • Shape: the shape of the corresponding image, i.e., 2048 x 1024 for Cityscapes.

  • Each pixel has one value: the scene-level category_id, as defined in the EvalSpec.

  • Name of the files: should include the unique image_id as defined in images.json.

Example Cityscapes Panoptic Parts: for a baseline in our paper, we generate results for Cityscapes using the provided Xception-65 model from the official DeepLabv3+ repository.

Instance segmentation

For instance segmentation, we accept two formats:

  1. COCO format (as defined here.)

  2. Cityscapes format (as defined in the comments for Instance Level Semantic Labeling here.)

For the COCO format, we expect:

  • A single .json file per image

  • Each json file named as image_id.json, with the image_id as defined in images.json.

  • The category id in the json file should be the scene-level id as defined in the EvalSpec.

For the Cityscapes format, we expect:

  • A single .txt file per image, containing per-instance info on each line:
    relPathPrediction1 labelIDPrediction1 confidencePrediction1

  • The category id, (labelIDPrediction in the example), should be the scene-level id as defined in the EvalSpec.

  • The name of each .txt file contains the image_id as defined in images.json.

  • A singe .png containing with a mask prediction for each individual detected instance.

  • See the official Cityscapes repository for more details.

When merging with semantic segmentation to panoptic segmentation, indicate which instance segmentation format (’COCO’ or ‘Cityscapes’) is used.

Example Cityscapes Panoptic Parts: for a baseline in our paper, we generate results for Cityscapes using the official provided ResNet-50-FPN Mask R-CNN model from the Detectron2 repository.

Part segmentation

For part segmentation, we expect predictions in the same format as semantic segmentation:

  • For each image, the part segmentation prediction should be stored as a single PNG

  • Shape: the shape of the corresponding image, i.e., 2048 x 1024 for Cityscapes.

  • Each pixel has one value: the flat part-level category_id, as defined in the EvalSpec.

  • Name of the files: should include the unique image_id as defined in images.json.

Example Cityscapes Panoptic Parts: for a baseline in our paper, we have trained a BSANet model with ResNet-101 backbone on our part annotations for the Cityscapes dataset. These can be downloaded here.

Merge instance and semantic segmentation to panoptic segmentation

To use the merging script, you need pycocotools and panopticapi.

These can be installed through pip:

pip install pycocotools
pip install git+

To merge to panoptic, run the command below. This generates the images and JSON file with the panoptic segmentation predictions in the format as defined here, and saves them in $OUTPUT_DIR.

From the main panoptic_parts directory, run:

python -m panoptic_parts.merging.merge_to_panoptic \


  • $EVAL_SPEC_PATH: path to the EvalSpec

  • $INST_PRED_PATH: path where the instance segmentation predictions are stored (a directory when instseg_format=’Cityscapes’, a JSON file when instseg_format=’COCO’)

  • $SEM_PRED_PATH: path where the semantic segmentation predictions are stored

  • $OUTPUT_DIR: directory where you wish to store the panoptic segmentation predictions

  • $IMAGES_JSON: the json file with a list of images and corresponding image ids

  • $INSTSEG_FORMAT: instance segmentation encoding format, i.e., ‘COCO’ or ‘Cityscapes’ (optional, default is ‘COCO’)

Merge panoptic and part segmentation to PPS

To merge panoptic segmentation and part segmentation to the Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (PPS) format, run the code below. It stores the PPS predictions as a 3-channel PNG in shape [height x width x 3], where the 3 channels encode the [scene_category_id, scene_instance_id, part_category_id].

From the main panoptic_parts directory, run:

python -m panoptic_parts.merging.merge_to_pps \


  • $EVAL_SPEC_PATH: path to the EvalSpec

  • $PANOPTIC_PRED_DIR: directory where the panoptic segmentation predictions (png files) are stored

  • $PANOPTIC_PRED_JSON: path to the .json file with the panoptic segmentation predictions

  • $PART_PRED_PATH: directory where the part predictions are stored

  • $IMAGES_JSON: the json file with a list of images and corresponding image ids

  • $OUTPUT_DIR: directory where you wish to store the part-aware panoptic segmentation predictions

Evaluate results

We provide a step-by-step guide for evaluating PPS results here.