Evaluate on PartPQ metric

To evaluate on the PartPQ metric, you need to follow three steps:

  1. Select or prepare the EvalSpec for your data

  2. Prepare the part-aware panoptic segmentation predictions in the correct format

  3. Run the evaluation script

1. Select EvalSpec

In the EvalSpec, we define how we wish to evaluate the dataset. Specifically, we define:

  • The classes that are to be evaluated, both on scene-level and part-level

  • The split between things and stuff categories, and parts and no-parts categories

  • The category definition and numbering that we expect for the predictions.

The EvalSpecs have the following filename format:


For the datasets that we define and use in our paper, we provide the EvalSpec that we use:

2. Prepare the predictions

Before we can evaluate the results, you should make sure that the predictions are in the proper format. There are two things to be considered:

  1. The correct category ids should be used

  2. The data should be encoded and provided in the proper 3-channel PNG format.

2.1. Category ids

The category ids in the prediction – both for scene classes and part classes – should be provided as defined in the EvalSpec.

  1. For scene-level classes:

    • In eval_sid2scene_label, we provide the scene category ids that are used during evaluation, and their corresponding names.

    • In the prediction, these category ids should be used.

  2. For part-level classes:

    • eval_sid_parts is a list of scene categories for which we expect part labels.

    • In eval_sid_pid2eval_pid_flat, we provide all the sid_pid category combinations that are evaluated.

      • The first part of the sid_pid is the scene category id (sid), the second is the and part category id (pid)

      • To see the corresponding category names for these sid_pid, see the mapping to the unique eval_pid_flat, and the provided class labels in eval_pid_flat2scene_part_label.

    • The pid from the sid_pidis the part category id that we expect in the predictions.

Example for CPP default:

  1. As follows from eval_sid2scene_label:

    • The scene id for car is 26, and road is 7.

  2. As follows from eval_sid_pid2eval_pid_flat and eval_pid_flat2scene_part_label:

    • The combined sid_pid prediction label for person-head is 24_02

    • ==> The part id is 2 (and the scene id is 24).

2.2. 3-channel PNG format

In the evaluation script, we expect the predictions to be encoded as a 3-channel PNG (i.e., HxWx3), where the channels should encode:

  1. Scene category id

  2. Instance id (unique for each instance within a scene category)

  3. Part category id

These should be encoded as unsigned integers (uint8), and the filename of the PNG should include the filename of the original input image for which the prediction is the result.

For regions where there is no prediction, or regions with unknown predictions, the category id should be set to 255.

3. Run evaluation script

To run the evaluation script, you need to have a json file containing information on the images that you wish to evaluate on. Here, we describe how to generate this images.json using evaluation/prepare_data.py.

Run the evaluation script from the top-level panoptic_parts directory as:

python -m panoptic_parts.evaluation.eval_PartPQ \
    $GT_PATH \
    $PRED_PATH \


  • $EVAL_SPEC_PATH: selected evaluation specification from Step 1

  • $GT_PATH: directory with ground truth files

  • $PRED_PATH: directory with prediction files

  • $IMAGES_JSON: the images.json file with a list of images and corresponding image ids

  • $SAVE_DIR: a directory to save the json file with results (optional)

For more information on the arguments run python -m panoptic_parts.evaluation.eval_PartPQ.py -h.