Source code for panoptic_parts.specs.eval_spec

This module contains tools for handling evaluation specifications.
import warnings
from operator import itemgetter

from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from panoptic_parts.utils.utils import (
    _sparse_ids_mapping_to_dense_ids_mapping as dict_to_numpy, parse__sid_pid2eid__v2)
from panoptic_parts.specs.dataset_spec import DatasetSpec

[docs]class PartPQEvalSpec(object): """ This class creates an evaluation specification from a YAML specification file and provides convenient attributes from the specification and useful functions. Moreover, it provides defaults and specification checking. """ def __init__(self, spec_path): """ Args: spec_path: a YAML evaluation specification """ with open(spec_path) as fd: espec = YAML().load(fd) self._spec_version = espec['version'] self._dspec = DatasetSpec(espec['dataset_spec_path']) self.ignore_label = espec['ignore_label'] # Dataset ids -> evaluation ids self.dataset_sid_pid2eval_sid_pid = espec['dataset_sid_pid2eval_sid_pid'] self.dataset_sid2eval_sid = espec['dataset_sid2eval_sid'] # Evaluation scene+part ids -> Evaluation flat part ids (for 'flat' part segmentation) self.eval_sid_pid2eval_pid_flat = espec['eval_sid_pid2eval_pid_flat'] # Evaluation ids -> Labels self.eval_sid2scene_label = espec['eval_sid2scene_label'] self.eval_pid_flat2scene_part_label = espec['eval_pid_flat2scene_part_label'] # Get all valid evaluation sid and sid_pids eval_sid_total = set(self.dataset_sid2eval_sid.values()) eval_sid_total.remove('IGNORED') self.eval_sid_total = list(eval_sid_total) eval_sid_pid_total = set(self.dataset_sid_pid2eval_sid_pid.values()) eval_sid_pid_total.remove('IGNORED') self.eval_sid_pid_total = list(eval_sid_pid_total) assert max(self.eval_sid_total) <= 99, "sid should not be larger than 99_99" assert max(self.eval_sid_pid_total) <= 9999, "sid_pid should not be larger than 99_99" # NEW: self.eval_sid_things = espec['eval_sid_things'] self.eval_sid_stuff = espec['eval_sid_stuff'] self.eval_sid_parts = espec['eval_sid_parts'] self.eval_sid_no_parts = espec['eval_sid_no_parts'] eval_sid_total_th_st = list(set(self.eval_sid_things + self.eval_sid_stuff)) eval_sid_total_p_np = list(set(self.eval_sid_parts + self.eval_sid_no_parts)) if not set(eval_sid_total_p_np) == set(eval_sid_total): raise ValueError('The defined set of scene classes with and without parts' 'is not equal to the total set of scene categories.') if not set(eval_sid_total_th_st) == set(eval_sid_total): raise ValueError('The defined set of things and stuff scene classes ' 'is not equal to the total set of scene categories.') self._extract_useful_attributes() def _extract_useful_attributes(self): self.dataset_spec = self._dspec sids_eval2pids_eval = dict() for class_key in self.eval_sid_pid_total: class_id = class_key // 100 if class_id in sids_eval2pids_eval.keys(): if class_key % 100 not in sids_eval2pids_eval[class_id]: sids_eval2pids_eval[class_id].append(class_key % 100) else: sids_eval2pids_eval[class_id] = [class_key % 100] for class_key in self.eval_sid_pid_total: scene_id = class_key // 100 part_id = class_key % 100 assert part_id != self.ignore_label, \ "part-level class cannot be the same as ignore label: {}".format(self.ignore_label) assert part_id != 0, "part-level class cannot be 0. sid_pid: {}".format(class_key) assert part_id >= 0, "part-level class cannot be a negative number: {}".format(part_id) assert part_id <= 99, "part-level class cannot be larger than 99: {}".format(part_id) assert scene_id != self.ignore_label, \ "scene-level class cannot be the same as ignore label: {}".format(self.ignore_label) assert scene_id != 0, "scene-level class cannot be 0. sid_pid: {}".format(class_key) assert scene_id >= 0, "scene-level class cannot be a negative number: {}".format(scene_id) assert scene_id <= 99, "scene-level class cannot be larger than 99: {}".format(scene_id) cat_definition = dict() cat_definition['num_cats'] = len(self.eval_sid_total) cat_definition['cat_def'] = list() for sid in self.eval_sid_total: cat_def = dict() cat_def['sem_cls'] = [sid] if sid in self.eval_sid_parts: if sid in sids_eval2pids_eval.keys(): if len(sids_eval2pids_eval[sid]) > 1: cat_def['parts_cls'] = sids_eval2pids_eval[sid] else: # TODO(daan): make sure this is the behavior we want raise ValueError("Semantic category {} only has 1 part id defined in the EvalSpec: {}, " "so in our format it is not treated as a class with parts. " "In the EvalSpec, remove it as a class with parts.".format(sid, sids_eval2pids_eval[sid])) else: raise ValueError("Semantic category {} has no part ids defined in the EvalSpec, " "so it cannot be treated as a class with parts. " "In the EvalSpec, remove it as a class with parts.".format(sid)) else: cat_def['parts_cls'] = [1] if sid in sids_eval2pids_eval.keys(): if len(sids_eval2pids_eval[sid]) > 1: warnings.warn("Note: Semantic category {} will be treated as a class without parts according to EvalSpec, " "even though there are {} parts defined for it.".format(sid, len(sids_eval2pids_eval[sid])), Warning) cat_definition['cat_def'].append(cat_def) self.cat_definition = cat_definition
[docs]class SegmentationPartsEvalSpec(object): """ This class creates an evaluation specification from a YAML specification file and provides convenient attributes from the specification and useful functions. Moreover, it provides defaults and specification checking. Accessible specification attributes: - dataset_spec: the associated dataset specification - Nclasses: the number of evaluated classes (including ignored and background) - scene_part_classes: list of str, the names of the scene-part classes for evaluation, ordered by the eval id - eid_ignore: the eval_id to be ignored in evaluation - sid_pid2eval_id: dict, maps all sid_pid (0-99_99) to an eval_id, according to the template in specification yaml - sp2e_np: np.ndarray, shape: (10000,), sid_pid2eval_id as an array for dense gathering, position i has the sid_pid2eval_id[i] value Member functions: - """ def __init__(self, spec_path): """ Args: spec_path: a YAML evaluation specification """ with open(spec_path) as fd: espec = YAML().load(fd) self._spec_version = espec['version'] self.sid_pid2eid__template = espec['sid_pid2eid__template'] self.eval_id2scene_part_class = espec['eval_id2scene_part_class'] self._dspec = DatasetSpec(espec['dataset_spec_path']) self._extract_useful_attributes() def _extract_useful_attributes(self): self.dataset_spec = self._dspec self.sid_pid2eval_id = parse__sid_pid2eid__v2(self.sid_pid2eid__template) # TODO(panos): here we assume that IGNORE eval_id exists and is the max eval_id self.eid_ignore = max(self.sid_pid2eval_id.values()) self.sp2e_np = dict_to_numpy(self.sid_pid2eval_id, self.eid_ignore) self.scene_part_classes = list( map(itemgetter(1), sorted(self.eval_id2scene_part_class.items()))) self.Nclasses = len(self.scene_part_classes)